Forschung und Entwicklung

EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory als Arbeitgeber

Meyerhofstr 1, 69117 Heidelberg

The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is one of the world’s leading research institutions, and Europe’s flagship laboratory for the life sciences.

EMBL locations

EMBL operates from five sites across Europe:

Governance of EMBL

EMBL is an intergovernmental organisation specialising in basic research in the life sciences, funded by public research monies from 21 member states, including much of Europe and Israel, and two associate members, Argentina and Australia. EMBL is led by the Director General, currently Professor Iain Mattaj, appointed by the governing body, EMBL Council. The Council is comprised of representatives of all member and associate member states.

EMBL’s missions

The cornerstones of EMBL's mission are to:

  • perform basic research in molecular biology;
  • train scientists, students and visitors at all levels;
  • offer vital services to scientists in the member states;
  • develop new instruments and methods;
  • actively engage in technology transfer;
  • and to integrate European life science research.

Research at EMBL

Research at EMBL emphasises experimental analysis at multiple levels of biological organisation, from the molecule to the organism, as well as computational biology, bioinformatics and systems biology.

Research is conducted by more than 80 independent groups covering the spectrum of molecular biology. EMBL is international, innovative and interdisciplinary. Its 1,600 employees from many nations represent scientific disciplines including biology, physics, chemistry and computer science.

Training opportunities

Outstanding training is available at multiple levels: PhD students, postdocs and visiting scientists. EMBL hosts a comprehensive schedule of courses, conferences and workshops, many organised in collaboration with EMBL's sister organisation, the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO). Additionally, the Laboratory offers a platform for dialogue with the general public through various science communication activities such as lecture series, visitor programmes and the dissemination of scientific achievements.

Scientific services

Services provided by EMBL include:

  • core biomolecular databases and bioinformatics tools, particularly at EMBL-EBI;
  • the provision of beamlines, instrumentation and high-throughput technology for structural biology at the Hamburg and Grenoble oustations;
  • Core Facilities, which provide cost-effective and efficient access to methods and technologies that are expensive to set up or maintain, or that require considerable expense.

Stellen in Deutschland

EMBL bietet ein breites Spektrum an anspruchsvollen wissenschaftlichen und nicht-wissenschaftlichen Positionen an fünf Standorten. EMBL stellt nach dem Prinzip der Chancengleichheit ein und ermuntert alle Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten, ihre Bewerbung einzureichen.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Stellen in Heidelberg und Hamburg, die auf deutsch ausgeschrieben werden, unter die Rubrik "Betriebsinterne Dienste & Infrastruktur" fallen. Für diese sind gute Deutschkenntnisse erforderlich.

Rekrutierungen für die Rubrik "Betriebsinterne Dienste & Infrastruktur" umfassen folgende Bereiche:

  • Kantine und Cafeteria (z.B. Koch, Küchenhilfe, Servicekraft, Auszubildende),
  • Kindergarten (z.B. Erzieherin, Kinderpflegerin, Anerkennungspraktikanten),
  • Rezeption (z.B. Empfangsmitarbeiterin),
  • Fahrbereitschaft (z.B. Fahrer, Busfahrer),
  • Hotel und Gästehäuser (z.B. Rezeptionistin, Servicekraft),
  • Betriebstechnik (z.B. Hausmeister, Maler, Gärtner) oder
  • allgemeine Technik (z.B. Elektriker, Elektrotechniker, Laborküche).

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Weitere Kontakte

  • Herr Jean-Paul Chidiac
    Human Resources
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